Photo of melzi giorgio Italy
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Giorgio Melzi was born in Milan.
He attended the Accademia delle Belle Arti di Brera.
His beginnings in the Italian art world turn to the sixties.
Never absolutely bound to a strand, its production is now characterized by a marked imprint of the fun of painting, which will always be a sort of factory, and evolution.

It 'been repeatedly pointed out by critics as one of the more than one measure the...

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Giorgio Melzi was born in Milan.
He attended the Accademia delle Belle Arti di Brera.
His beginnings in the Italian art world turn to the sixties.
Never absolutely bound to a strand, its production is now characterized by a marked imprint of the fun of painting, which will always be a sort of factory, and evolution.

It 'been repeatedly pointed out by critics as one of the more than one measure the most significant artists of the last generation

10/10/2008 - Giorgio Melzi at Milan

2008 - Art & LINEARIA MuseumStore - Milan

2008 - LIBRARY FISSORE - Alexandria

2008 - Space Art Gallery - Piacenza

2007 - Mediarte2007 - Palermo

2007 - Mooma Contemporary Art - Shanghai (China)

2007 - Galleria091 - Palermo

2007 - Excalibur Artecontemporanea - Solcio Lesa (NO)

2007 - Gallery Margutta - Catania

2006 - Congress Centre - Agrigento

2006 - Palanaxos - Giardini Naxos (ME)

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